Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Math Games!!

Attention Parents and Students!!

If you click on Math Play, you and your students can access a world full of fun and learning. This exciting site has a wealth of math games for kids of all ages. Next time your student needs some extra work in an area or is just looking for something fun to do to pass time, tell them to check out Math Play. There is so much for them to choose from that the hours will literally fly by!!

Enjoy the fun and games ahead.

Ms. Proctor

Tessellation Homework Fun!!

Hello Everyone!!

We just began our work on tessellations this week. Tessellations are ways to "tile" a "floor" without any gaps or overlapping. Tessellations consist of dialations, rotations, reflections, and translations.

The first part of this project is our homework that is due by Friday, September 16th. Each student has been sent home with several small pieces of square construction paper. They are to create their very own tessellation shape with this square. They will need to draw their lines and then cut out what they drew. Then they will need to either translate or rotate that cut out piece to another part of the square. They will then tape it together. To the left is an example of one tessellation.

This process will continue until the student is satisfied with their design. Once they have come up with their finished tessellation, they need to color it creatively and come up with a name for it. Sometimes, it might be easier for the student to decide what they want their tessellation to look like, draw a picture of it, and then draw a square inside of that picture. This will help them see where they need to draw the lines and cut to get the desired picture.

This is a fun and creative project that you can help your kids with. Have some fun with it and let me know if you have any questions!!

Ms. Proctor

Special Event!!

Hello All,

I am sure you're all wondering about Open House. Well, this is one of my favorite things at the beginning of each school year.

Our school's open house will be September 20th from 6:00-8:00 pm. Each family will start out in the first period class of their student. they will be given 10-15 minutes in each classroom. The bell will ring signalling that it is time to more to the next class. This will continue untill all families have visited each of their student's teachers.

At the end, you will be able to go back to any of the classrooms and ask any questions that you might have thought of after you left. I will have refreshments in my classroom along with a small information packet that should any answer any and all questions you may have. I hope this gets all of us started off on the right foot this year.

I am looking forward to seeing each and every one of you there!! Hope you can make it. If not, shoot me an email and I will send you the packet!! Have a great day!!

Ms. Proctor

Monday, May 23, 2011


Dear Guardians, Parents, and Students,

Welcome  to Ms. Proctor's Math edublog. Visit this blog once I begin teaching to see class announcements, homework helpers, test-taking tips, links to learning games, and much more.

Want to know when the open house will be? Want to know what special projects are assigned and when they are due? Want some great ideas for helping your child at home with his or her homework? Then this is the place to check.

I promise to post at least once a week, so stop back often. You can even post comments, if you want.

I am looking forward to getting a teaching position and communicating with you through this edublog!!